Bookly Recurring Appointments Add-on

Version: 6.4
Bookly Recurring Appointments Add-on
Enhance your booking system with the Bookly Recurring Appointments Add-on. Schedule recurring bookings, manage appointments easily, and improve customer experience.
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Enhance Your Booking System with the Bookly Recurring Appointments Add-on

Introduction to Bookly Recurring Appointments Add-on

The Bookly Recurring Appointments Add-on is an essential extension for businesses utilizing the Bookly PRO plugin. This powerful tool enables clients to schedule repeat appointments, significantly enhancing user experience and operational efficiency.

Key Features of Bookly Recurring Appointments Add-on

Flexible Scheduling Options

With the Bookly Recurring Appointments Add-on, clients can set up recurring appointments on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. This flexibility ensures that scheduling meets the diverse needs of various businesses and their customers.

Easy Management

Administrators can effortlessly manage recurring appointments from the backend. This includes editing individual sessions or entire series, configuring payment options, and customizing notifications. The Bookly Recurring Appointments Add-on makes it easy to keep track of all scheduled appointments.

Benefits of Using Bookly Recurring Appointments Add-on

Improved Customer Experience

By allowing clients to book multiple appointments in one go, the Bookly Recurring Appointments Add-on enhances the customer experience. Clients can plan their visits in advance, ensuring they secure their preferred time slots.

Increased Efficiency

This add-on streamlines the booking process, saving time for both clients and administrators. The automated system handles recurring bookings, reducing the need for manual scheduling and minimizing errors.

Customization and Integration

The Bookly Recurring Appointments Add-on integrates seamlessly with the Bookly PRO plugin. Businesses can customize the add-on to suit specific service types and staff schedules, ensuring that the booking system aligns perfectly with operational needs.


The Bookly Recurring Appointments Add-on is a must-have for businesses looking to offer their clients the convenience of recurring bookings. Its flexibility, ease of management, and seamless integration with Bookly PRO make it an invaluable addition to any WordPress-based booking system. Enhance your customer service and operational efficiency with this powerful add-on.

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